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Strategies for the Successful Marketing of Water Park Equipment- Part two

Strategies for the Successful Marketing of Water Park Equipment- Part two

1. Enrichment of Festival Promotion Activities

Festival promotions are common in Department stores, shopping malls or shopping malls. Water parks can also be cited in marketing, because festivals are the best time for families to travel. We know that from the perspective of tourists'consumption structure, tickets account for about 50%, and other consumption accounts for 50%. Catching hold of the festival to promote merchandise or tickets can better drive the unexpected consumption of goods and catering tickets. Many kinds of festival promotion activities will surely bring more abundant benefits to the aquatic park. When planning Festival promotional activities, we should plan special festival garden activities according to different festivals.

2. Marketing Business Development

Although water parks often have joint marketing with travel agencies, they should also open their own marketing channels and do business marketing and development. Water park is a tourism product with its own characteristics. It can be easily packaged or combined with other industries to make its own marketing business broader and marketing channels more open. For example, it can make strategic alliances with railway bureaus, airlines and other companies to form a thematic trip: it can also do combination marketing with shopping mall, so that customers can get ticket coupons from water park when they buy goods. The wonderful pictures of water park equipment can also be widely spread in shopping mall, and can be combined with beverage companies to make their own product characteristics, through the marketing channels of beverages to disseminate again.

If the aquatic park has developed to a certain scale, high quality and good corporate image, it already has an intangible asset. To make good use of this intangible asset, combine with other industries, formats, and do related business development, on the one hand, it can create image advertising for the company, on the other hand, it can also develop related derivatives.

3. Comprehensive publicity and promotion materials

In order to promote and publicize, the aquatic park usually prints corresponding publicity materials, mails them to potential customers or hangs inside and outside the park. Such as activity posters, direct-cast magazines, announcement brochures of event competitions, POP production of the park, subtitle advertisement writing, on-the-spot program lists, etc., are all advertising media for water park to convey information or image and concept to consumers and customers.

Publicity materials can penetrate into every aspect of daily operation, such as the guided tours provided, which contain almost all the water recreation facilities of the aquatic park. It can not only help tourists to have a clearer understanding of the water park when they are playing, but also be taken back by tourists to play the role of free publicity. In addition, the VI visual communication system of Water Park itself should run through the whole park and all the propaganda information, so that tourists can feel it everywhere.

Water Park Equipment

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