+86 13527814016
Guangzhou Haisan Amusement Technology Co., Ltd.

Theme Parks

Theme Parks

Theme Parks

The water park facilities in the theme park are first planned, then constructed, and finally the quality of them are guaranteed with maintenance service.

Planning of amusement equipment: After investigating project base and determining the types of amusement equipment, investor should connect with the professional amusement equipment manufacturers, in order to fully understand the domestic and international market of amusement equipment and select competitive amusement equipment for the project. At the same time, determine the subprojects of the amusement equipment and consider all-round factors including function, size, number of visitors, equipment selection, equipment manufacturing, equipment determination and equipment consignment, etc.

Project construction supervision: Includes pipeline pre-burying, civil construction, project construction, equipment installation, project supervision and operation inspection during the construction process.

Management and operation: Includes the maintenance and operation of various amusement equipment, sewage treatment and water recycling, management training for staff, service standard, market planning, brand marketing, project renewal and management.

The quality of a theme park is determined, to a certain extent, by the water amusement projects, which is embodied in three aspects as follows:

1.Safety: Only by improving safety quality in all aspects through strict design, rigorous technical review, rigorous bidding, careful selection of suppliers, precise manufacturing and severe quality inspection, can we ensure the safety of water amusement equipment as well as the water park.

2.Quality: On the premise of safety, we should integrate external resources with internal innovation and communicate more with water park equipment manufacturers so that we can customize the corresponding amusement projects in line with the theme of the park, creating a unique water park with its own characteristics. In this way, we can effectively enhance the attractiveness and influence of the park and inject vitality to the projects.

3. Interaction: With the rapid development of amusement equipment industry, the demand of tourists for amusement equipment is no longer passive experiences. Now they need more active participation, richer interaction and more realistic experiences, which explains why interactiveness of amusement equipment has become the essence of the water park in attracting visitors.
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