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Two details of water park management from HAISAN water park builder

Two details of water park management from HAISAN water park builder

With the development of China's economy, people's income levels and consumption levels have increased significantly, prompting the continuous development and maturity of the tertiary industry and tourism industry. As a kind of theme park, the water park from HAISAN water park builder has become the hottest star among the current urban tourism products with its unique cultural connotation, scientific content and powerful entertainment functions. However, some water parks are not well managed. After investigation, we found that those are not. A large part of the profitable water park is caused by operational problems. Here are some suggestions for solving these problems:

First,Pay attention to the planning and design of water parks
The operation financing of the water park planning and design stage directly affects the quality of product service and visitor experience after the opening of the theme park, namely: tourist satisfaction. In the demand for financing of many professional operating conditions, the demand for special operating conditions in the waterfront equipment queuing area is particularly important. why? Whether we are engaged in water park operation services or as a tourist to visit the water park, we will find the most visitors in the water park. That is the largest number of tourists in the queuing area of ??the water amusement equipment. Everyone is waiting in line in each equipment area to play equipment. Even some novel, stimulating water amusement equipment, visitors have to queue for two or three hours for a three- or five-minute experience. Especially in the tourist season, most of the time spent playing in the queue. Therefore, the design of the queuing area is not good, and it is unreasonable. The operating conditions need not be funded, which directly affects 80% of the experience of more than 90% of tourists coming to the water park.

Second, More publicity and marketing
Advertising is the first ring of marketing promotion. Almost all water parks will make an overall publicity plan every year, and there is a corresponding advertising budget. Advertising, including the production of themed image commercials, TV commercials, newspaper advertisements, radio advertisements, magazine advertisements, TV subtitle advertisements, electronic billboard advertisements, public transportation advertisements and online advertisements. In the annual advertising plan, it is necessary to make the most effective combination and use of various advertising forms, and evaluate and analyze the effectiveness of advertising, as the basis for the adjustment of the next (season) annual advertising plan.
It is worth emphasizing that before the completion of the advertising plan, it is necessary to fully analyze the target audience of the water park itself. The media with the widest audience is not necessarily the most suitable media. We have to choose the appropriate media depending on the planning activities.
Although water parks often have joint marketing with travel agencies, they should also open their own marketing channels to do business marketing and development. The water park is a unique tourism product. It can be easily packaged or combined with other industry formats to make its marketing business more broad and the marketing channels more accessible. It should be noted that these alliance products should have a positive image, and their image and the image of the water park can complement each other. The combination of the two can play a role of mutual promotion and promotion, so that the union will make sense.

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equipment from HAISAN water park builder

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