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Guangzhou Haisan Amusement Technology Co., Ltd.

Four Main Points of Water Park Design

Four Main Points of Water Park Design

1. Site selection and size should be careful
Water park location should be convenient in the traffic, the park is not the bigger the better, its size according to the local traffic can be achieved, the level of consumption and their own business team to decide, do not arbitrarily simple imitation, blind investment.

2. Water park equipment should be diversified
In recent years, a single function of the water park equipments less and less, most of them tend to large-scale composite equipment, and most of the family group consumption, so the operator in the water park equipment configuration, to consider household consumption Groups, multi-configuration of all ages water park equipment, but also to avoid duplication of equipment stack.

3. Water park equipment supporting facilities should be taken seriously
Many park investors are keen to buy foreign equipment, such as very willing to spend big money to purchase imported glass steel slide, but to ensure the normal operation of the equipment supporting facilities are not enough attention. Site selection of steel structure of the glass slide when choosing those inexperienced and inexpensive water park equipment manufacturers, often can not guarantee the glass steel slide and steel structure of good convergence; therefore, if there is not enough funds to protect the normal use of imported equipment , There is no need to spend big price to buy imported glass steel slide. At present, our domestic equipment in some areas is not worse than the imported equipment, or even more mature technology, and affordable.

4.Pay attention to details of construction process
Water park equipment by design documents, type test and inspection acceptance, in accordance with the instructions to use the correct operation, the probability of occurrence of accidents is negligible. As the construction process does not pay attention to the details of the water park visitors injured the most frequent accidents, anti-slip measures ineffective, slippery falls is the largest occurrence of water park accident; followed by bumps, edges, cracks are tourists injured Of the hidden dangers. Therefore, the water park in the construction process where visitors are likely to contact the place, we must seriously deal with, to ensure the safety of tourists.


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