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A brief discussion on the importance of building a water park operation team

A brief discussion on the importance of building a water park operation team

In recent years, water park construction showing a spurt of development, according to incomplete statistics, every year tens of hundreds of new water parks emerging, developed countries, developing countries and underdeveloped countries, all over the world, large and small water parks everywhere. How much profit is there in the water park investment boom? How many of them stand out from the fierce competition?

A successful water park is determined by a number of factors, and here we will discuss about the importance of the operation team involved in the construction of water parks.

Currently, most water park investors are not engaged in tourism and theme park industry, many of them deciding to invest in water parks only because of the summer hot scenes. The main focus on the water park construction is on the size and the number of water park equipment, rarely focusing on the professional operation team to participate in the preliminary design stage. If there isn’t fully consideration on the actual operation requirements from the design, it will not only increase the cost of later stage construction, but also increase the cost of operation management in the process of operation, even the serious influence to tourist experience and brand image.

Thus we suggest the water park investors invite rich-experienced management team to get involved in the design stage, giving full consideration to operation management requirements in the actual operation, which can not only increase the satisfaction of tourists, but also can reduce the operating management cost and the latter engineering cost.

So, what aspects for the importance of the operation team involved in water parks?

1. Rationality of the selection of water park equipment
The selection of reasonable water park equipment is very important for water parks. Operation team with rich experience can provide reasonable suggestions for the water park equipment selection, according to the park's location, size, investment scale, product positioning, market environment factors, and according to the amusement equipment in stimulating, audience, popularity and so on to carry on the reasonable collocation.

2. Reasonable suggestions for supporting engineering (facilities)
Besides water park equipments, water park operations must form a complete set of engineering (facilities) for later operation, such as: brake machine, lockers, ticket system, cashier system, water treatment system, the ground (pool) pavement engineering, lighting engineering, landscape greening projects, stage performing arts facilities, etc., the team will put forward reasonable suggestions.

3. Rationality of functional layout.
There are many service facilities directly related to the tourist experience, such as the number of parking spaces and the diversion of cars; the number of ticket outlets; visitor center size and function division; bathing area size, number of wardrobe, shower room number; number of toilets in the park, number of toilet seats and distribution; number and distribution of catering area in the park; tourist line design; design of waiting area for amusement facilities; design of the tourist rest area and so on, the professional operation team will put forward reasonable suggestions from the actual operation, and fully meet the tourists' experience demand.

4. Suggestions on secondary consumption design.
Many tourists for theme park secondary consumption experience is not very good, investigation on the reason, mainly reflected in two aspects, one is the price, the other is poor quality, in a word, bad cost performance! The second consumption is an important part of the park, and reasonable secondary consumption design can not only improve the revenue of the park, but also improve the satisfaction of tourists and the reputation of the park.

5. Suggestions on atmosphere creation and performance activities of the park.
The atmosphere of the park is an important part of the park, and the performing activities are an important part of the park atmosphere. The determination of acting forms, according to the business situation, select the number of actors and composition, and the wonderful performance will create a happy atmosphere and enhance the tourists' experience.

6. Suggestions for details of the design and construction of the water park
The particularity of water park requires for details on the design and construction, such as the ground slippery prevention problems, sun shading, rain sewage and pool isolation problems, green leaves, and so on, a lot of problems taken into account during the design phase and in the construction details in place, can reduce safety risk in the process of actual operation, improve tourist experience, reduce operating costs.

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