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How to buy water park equipment?

How to buy water park equipment?

How to buy water park equipment?

In recent years, the investment of domestic water parks is a bit overheated. Investors must look at the situation clearly, understand the purpose of investment, the scale of investment and the regional characteristics of investment.
Professional water park equipment manufacturer-Guangzhou Haishan Company, after years of research and investigation, concluded that before investing in water parks, the following requirements must be made:
1. Before investing in the construction of a water park, you must do a good market research to judge the feasibility of the project. This stage is very important, be sure to ask a professional company to step in. Because many investors are unwilling to spend additional money, feasibility analysis is usually done symbolically by the design unit or manufacturer, which lays hidden dangers for later planning and construction and continued operation.
2. Determine the type and quantity of water park equipment through market research, and estimate the number of supporting facilities, so as to achieve a reasonable scale and effective matching, thereby reducing waste.
3. Select the appropriate manufacturer. At present, there are only a handful of water park equipment manufacturers in China that have production and installation licenses, and their production capabilities, design capabilities and manufacturing processes are different. To understand an enterprise, we must first look at its technical level. The safety of water park equipment is the main factor. Second, it depends on its production process and company size. Another key point is to visit the actual engineering case, communicate directly with the user, and understand the product usage and after-sales service. When you visit the site, you should not only pay attention to its appearance quality, but also experience it for yourself.


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