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Quality control of water park equipment

Quality control of water park equipment

In the production management of water park equipment, we should do a good job of pre-process control, in-process control and after-process processing. After-process control is not as good as in-process control, and in-process control  is not as good as pre-process control, so as to ensure that the water park equipment does not have quality problems, instead of When the equipment has a quality problem, it only gives the device a "prescription": 1. Internal repair, where is the crack? Where is the site rectification, so the employees are busy running between multiple sites; 3. Prohibit product delivery... This "reinforcement" approach does not really solve the problem.
So how can we really solve the problem?
On the one hand, strengthen the monitoring of the equipment production process: production managers, supervisors, squad leaders, quality managers and craftsmen should always pay attention to the entire process of production, and timely point out the incorrect operation, which can greatly reduce the quality problems of water park equipment. may.
On the other hand, it is important to know how the water park equipment is made. There are many factors that cause quality problems in water park equipment. Only by addressing these factors can quality be guaranteed.
First, ensure the implementation of the process. Water park equipment is inseparable from the production process, perfect technology and strict operation according to the process is the most important, the key is the implementation of the process. The craftsman not only ensures the feasibility and operability of the process, but also has to guide the operation of the employees. For example, the employees should not only know how to open the glue, but also how to add additives in different environments.
Second, to ensure the quality of raw materials for production. First, maintain a relatively stable raw material supplier, such as the commonly used raw material - resin, some manufacturers will add some curing agent for the equipment, and some manufacturers have not considered this aspect. Secondly, the testing of raw materials, especially the test materials, should be strengthened to ensure that each batch of materials used in production is reliable.
Third, ensure a good production environment, especially spray gel coat and paste workshop. Temperature, humidity and hygiene in the workshop will have a certain impact on the quality of the product. Therefore, the planning and facilities of the plant must consider these factors that affect the quality of the water park equipment production, so as to prevent it from happening.
Fourth, do a good job in training employees' responsibility and operational skills. Employees have a strong sense of responsibility, treat products as their own children, and constantly strengthen their operational skills in training, so that they can make good water park equipment.
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water park equipment from HAISAN

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