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Guangzhou Haisan Amusement Technology Co., Ltd.

Key points for theme water park development

Key points for theme water park development

Key points for theme water park development

Guangzhou Haishan , a professional water park equipment manufacturer, believes that there are three main points for the development of the theme water park:

1. Clear theme clues
The theme water park, as the name implies, focuses on the theme. The overall planning and design of the theme water park is based on the theme of "writing stories and telling stories", and taking the story as the background.

2. Vivid scene settings
The key to setting the scene is to give tourists a story experience. Use landscapes to tell stories. Try to make every corner have a story or become a part of the story, and provide visitors with a vivid and realistic experience in the continuous scene changes.

3.Experience Play
The theme water park amusement project should consider experiencing more, integrate story clues into every water park equipment, and touch the hearts of tourists with experiential products.

water park equipment from Haisan

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