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Guangzhou Haisan Amusement Technology Co., Ltd.

Seven questions about water park equipment planning and design

Seven questions about water park equipment planning and design

Seven questions about water park equipment planning and design

1. How to plan the water park project to achieve the best results?
There is a big misunderstanding in investing in water parks. Blind pursuit of novelty and no combination of markets is often an important reason for the failure of some water parks and depreciation year after year.

2. How to invest in a water park is less risky?
Water parks need to be small in risk, and they must do professional investment planning, and they must not blindly pursue novelty.

3. How long does it take for a general investment in a water park to return?
In general, in normal operation, the investment in the water park will start to be profitable in the third year, and the first and second years will be returned.

4. How long is the life of a general water park equipments?
The water park we design has a life expectancy of fifteen years.

5. What are the industry standards for water parks?
In China, there are currently two national standards for the water park industry: GB/T 18168-2008 "General Technical Conditions for Water Play Facilities" and GB8408-2008 "Safety Regulations for Amusement Facilities".

6. How to ensure the quality and safety of the product?
Strictly in accordance with the relevant provisions of ISO9001.

7. How to do the marketing and promotion of the water park?
1 Must determine the market positioning and unique selling points
2 must do the brand communication work of the water park
3 must develop appropriate marketing channels
4 While doing internal management, we must constantly innovate.
water park equipment
water park equipment from Haisan

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