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Guangzhou Haisan Amusement Technology Co., Ltd.

Theme and experience become the focus of water park design

Theme and experience become the focus of water park design

Theme and experience become the focus of water park design
 As early as the 1990s, there was a water park in Guangdong. The water park design company and manufacturing manufacturer concentrated in Panyu District of Guangzhou City account for half of the production of water park equipment in Guangdong Province and even in the whole country. Since the 1990s, China's water park has entered a relatively fast development stage. After more than 20 years of development, China's water amusement production enterprises have grown from simple imitation to independent research and development, and their scale has continuously increased and their quality has been continuously improved.
In 2015, there were 23 new water parks in the country. Compared with land theme parks, the investment cost of water parks is relatively small, and the investment income is relatively fast. This absolute advantage has led many game game manufacturers to look into the field of water parks. In the case of Chimelong, the water park only accounts for one-tenth of the entire Chimelong tourism sector, but nearly half of the profits of the Chimelong Group's tourism sector are created by water parks.
In the next 5 to 10 years, the growth rate of water parks will gradually decline, and small and medium-sized, professional theme water parks will become the new construction theme. The demand for water parks by domestic third- and fourth-tier urban residents will become mainstream, and urbanization, small-scale, and personalized water parks will be more popular.
According to the latest data, in 2015, 50% of the domestic water parks were in good condition, 30% were flat, and 20% were in a difficult state. The operational pressure put forward new requirements for the theme park. The theme and experience will also become the design of the future water park. The segment that the company wants to focus on.

water park equipment

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