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Guangzhou Haisan Amusement Technology Co., Ltd.

Ways to Play Fun and Enjoy in a Water Park

Ways to Play Fun and Enjoy in a Water Park

1. Eat during the busiest time of day. Around noon, the water park might start to get very crowded. This is a good time to eat so that you don't spend hours in line.

2. Cool off in the wave pool. Visit the wave pool after you eat. Most water parks will either have a wave pool or an area where you can lounge next to the water. This is a nice way to rest a bit and avoid really long lines.

3. Go back to the lockers and re-apply sunblock before returning to the rides. By this time, the lines may be starting to die down (or else you're just bored with sitting around). Your sunblock has also probably worn off, so you need more to last you through the afternoon.

4. Go on less popular rides, or rides that run fast. During the busy afternoon period, avoid the very popular rides. This is a good time to hit rides that move quickly so that you don't stand in line too long.

5. See how busy the park is in the evening. Many water parks will start to empty out when 4:00 or 5:00 pm rolls around. Now is a good time to ride some of the more popular attractions (although they might still have long lines).

6. Change in the lockers when you are ready to leave. Get out of your wet bathing suit and into dry clothes. Some water parks may have showers that you can rinse off in.NEVER change in toilet stalls,that is very unsanitary especially at water parks.

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