What are the reasonable steps an operator
of a water park, health club or activity park can take to avoid or reduce the risk
of customer injury? What are the practices that will appear careless or
unreasonable in the harsh light of a courtroom? What actions will demonstrate
to a jury that the operator cares about injury to its customers, has taken
reasonable steps to avoid or minimize the risk of injury, and should not be
blamed when a customer is injured? The following best practices can help water
park operators avoid liability:
Training, training, training! Nothing looks
worse to a jury than a young, inexperienced, seasonally employed ride operator
or lifeguard who has received little to no training in getting customers ready
to ride, recognizing problems, and taking action when problems arise. Even
worse is someone who has learned his or her job from watching another casually
trained, inexperienced employee. All employees should be trained at the
beginning of their employment in the safe operating procedures for all
activities that can cause injury.
Particular attention should be paid to the
activity to which they are assigned, including procedures for dealing with
problems with rides or customers, and what to do when injury occurs. Hiring an
outside company certified in the safe operation of recreational water slide equipment at
the start of seasonal staff training reinforces the impression that an operator
is responsible and safety-conscious. It also avoids an argument that the
operator is not qualified (by credentials, training or experience) to train its
staff in safety procedures.
Check and double-check. It looks good when
a supervisor, manager or loss prevention employee periodically monitors
operations, both to ensure that personnel are doing what they have been trained
to do, such as making sure customers are the proper weight, height and age,
wearing appropriate footwear, and correctly positioned on the attraction, and
are not doing what they should not be doing, like texting or checking social
media. While there is no hard and fast rule on how often a supervisor should do
a walk-around, once a season is not nearly enough. Indeed, several times a week
is preferable. Periodic monitoring also reinforces training and informs
management about what messages are not getting through.